CT Brain Temp (location)
Normal CT Brain NC
- Cerebral parenchyma: The study reveals __________. Normal parenchymal attenuation and grey-white differentiation. The rest of imaged cerebral parenchyma appears unremarkable. No acute large territorial infarction or intraparenchymal hemorrhage is identified.
- Cerebellum and posterior fossa: Normal given a limited evaluation of the brainstem due to beam-hardening artifacts. The cerebellums appears unremarkable.
- Extraaxial spaces: No extra-axial collection is observed.
- Ventricles: Normal size of the ventricular system. No intraventricular hemorrhage.
- Midline shift: None.
- Brain herniation: None.
- Vascular system: Normal.
- Calvarium and scalp: No fracture is identified.
- Skull base, sella and temporomandibular joints (TMJs): Normal.
- Visualized orbits, paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells: Normal.
- Visualized upper cervical spine: No fracture identified.
Technique: Plain axial MDCT scan of the brain was performed with 3.0 mm slice thickness contiguously with multiplanar reformations.
(Brain volume) The study reveals __________.
(The Rest)
The rest of imaged cerebral parenchyma shows normal parenchymal attenuation and grey-white differentiation.
No acute intracranial hemorrhage or acute large territorial infarction is identified
The rest of the brainstem and cerebellum appears unremarkable, given a limited evaluation of the brainstem and cerebellum due to beam-hardening artifact.
The rest of visualized both orbits, paranasal sinuses, mastoid air cells, nasopharynx, skull base, and calvarium appear unremarkable.
Cerebral parenchyma
Normal Brain Vol.
The study reveals
- normal brain volume.
- age-appropriate brain volume.
Brain Vol. loss
The study reveals:
[Diffuse | Generalized]
brain volume loss, (most pronounced at ___)
- (+)
appropriate for age
- (+)
advanced more than age
with normal gray-white differentiation of the brain parenchyma.
Posterior fossa
Vascular system
Vascular system: [Mild | Moderate | Severe]
atherosclerotic change of the
- (bilateral) (intracranial) ICAs
- vertebrobasilar system
Calvarium and scalp
Calvarium and scalp: Soft tissue swelling/contusion at ___ regions.
- Soft tissue swelling/contusion at the ___ regions.
Skull base/ sella / TMJ
Skull base, sella and temporomandibular joints (TMJs): Unremarkable.
Sinuses / Air cells
The Rest is OK
The rest of the imaged paranasal sinuses, both mastoid air cells, both orbits and nasopharynx are unremarkable.
Mucosa thickening
Visualized orbits, paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells: [Mild | Moderate | Severe]
mucosal thickening
(if inspissated content) with hyperdense content
(if chronic sinusitis)
[mild | moderate | severe]
sclerotic bone change
[of | involving]
___ sinus
Mild = Don’t mention
Chronic left ___ sinusitis with inspissated content and/or fungal colonization.
Air-fluid Lv
Visualized orbits, paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells: Air-fluid level with internal bubbles at ___ sinus.
- Air-fluid level with internal bubbles at ___ sinus, possibly acute right sphenoid sinusitis.
Mucous retention cysts
Visualized orbits, paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells: (Few) mucous retention cysts within the ___ sinus
Hypoplasia of ___ sinuses / air cells,
Hypopneumatization of the ___ frontal sinus.
Lens Extraction
= [Bilateral | lt | rt]
len(s) extraction is observed.Evidence of
lens extraction.
Ear pluck
- Soft tissue lesion in ___ EAC, probably impacted cerumen or ear wax.