Stroke Fast Temp
Stroke CT Template
HISTORY: [stroke onset]
[symptoms and signs]
TECHNIQUES: Axial conventional scan of the brain with 4-mm slice thickness
- Intravenous contrast brand, concentration, volume: Not used.
- Immediate complication: None.
- Estimated radiation dose: 🤔 mGy, 🤔 mGycm.
(Standard DRL recommended by the American College of Radiology and European Commission = 75 mGy, 1050 mGycm. Values reported for 16-32-cm PMMA phantom. Uncertainties associated with this method are approximately 20%.)
Cerebral parenchyma: Normal.
Alberta Stroke Program Early CT score (ASPECTS):
[insert number in case of suspected MCA stroke with ONSET < 24 hours or WAKE-UP strokes (= unknown stroke onset), otherwise use N/A
Cerebellum and posterior fossa: Normal given a limited evaluation of the brainstem due to beam-hardening artifacts.
Posterior-fossa ASPECTS:
[insert number in case of suspected MCA stroke with ONSET < 24 hours or WAKE-UP strokes (= unknown stroke onset), otherwise use N/A
- Extraaxial spaces: Appropriate for age.
- Ventricles: Appropriate for age.
- Midline shift: None.
- Brain herniation: None.
- Vascular system: Normal.
- Calvarium and scalp: Normal.
- Skull base, sella and temporomandibular joints (TMJs): Normal.
- Visualized orbits, paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells: Normal.
- Visualized upper cervical spine: No fracture identified.
This is a PRELIMINARY report made by radiology physician trainees. It has not been reviewed by the attending radiologist.
This is a PRELIMINARY report made by radiology physician trainees. The study has been REVIEWED by the attending radiologist but the report is not yet finalized.
No intracranial hemorrhage, extra-axial collection, acute large territorial infarction, midline shift or brain herniation identified.
Door datetime: xx/xx/20xx xx:xx
[ER Check in time, seen in V/S page in EMR].
CT datetime: xx/xx/20xx xx:xx xx:xx
[Time of the first image of plain CT].