Abdomen Template
Abdo Normal
Normal U/S WA
Liver: Normal size and parenchymal echogenicity. No focal lesion.
Biliary system: CBD size ___ mm. No intrahepatic ductal dilatation.
Gallbladder: ([Well | Partially]
)-distended gallbladder. No stone or mass.
Spleen: Normal in size.
Pancreas: Visualized portions are unremarkable.
Kidneys: Normal size and parenchymal echogenicity of both kidneys. No stone, hydronephrosis or solid mass.
Urinary bladder: No stone or mass.
Aorta: Normal caliber.
Peritoneum: No free fluid.
(Choose one)
Prostate gland: Normal size, measuring ___ ml in volume.
Uterus: Unremarkable.
Ovaries: [Normal size of | Non-visualized]
both ovaries. No gross adnexal mass.
Normal U/S KUB
Right kidney: Normal size and parenchymal echogenicity, measuring about _ x _ x _ cm. No stone or hydronephrosis.
Left kidney: Normal size and parenchymal echogenicity, measuring about _ x _ x _ cm. No stone or hydronephrosis.
Bladder: Well-distended urinary bladder without stone or mass.
Uterus: Endometrial thickness measures about ___ mm.
Ovaries and adnexae: Normal size of both ovaries.
Others: No free fluid.
Limited study
Bowel gas: Limited evaluation due to overlying bowel gas.
High liver: Limited evaluation due to high liver position.
Liver Findings
- NAFLD; surveillance.
- Chronic HBV infection; HCC surveillance.
Parenchymatous Dz
Increase Echo or Coarse
- Liver: Normal size and (mildly/slightly)
[increased | coarse]
parenchymal echogenicity. No focal sesion.
- (Mild) Parenchymatous disease of the liver without focal lesion.
Fatty Liver
Mild: Normal size with mildly increased parenchymal echogenicity of the liver,
Moderate: Normal size with (diffusely) increased parenchymal echogenicity of the liver, causing imparied visualization of intrahepatic vasculature,
Severe: Normal size with (diffusely) increased parenchymal echogenicity of the liver, causing imparied visualization of intrahepatic vasculature and right hemidiaphragm,
… compatible with [mild | moderate | severe]
fatty liver.
(Focal fat sparing): + Geographic hypoechoic areas [at | adjacent to]
- periportal
- peri-gallbladder (gallbladder fossa)
- …
region, likely a focal fat sparing. (ref: rID-6852)
[Mild | Moderate | Severe]
fatty liver without focal lesion.[Mild | Moderate | Severe]
fatty liver with focal fat sparing adjacent to ___. No gross mass.
[Normal size | Enlarged caudate lobe]
with diffusely coarsen parenchymal echogenicity and surface nodularity. No focal lesion. Portal vein enlarged, measuring ___ cm.Spleen: Spleenomegaly ?. No focal lesion.
- Liver cirrhosis without focal lesion.
Biliary Findings
GB Adenomyomatosis
Gallbladder: Distended gallbladder with …
(Choose one)
- focal (localised)
- segmental (annular)
- generalised (diffuse)
adenomyomatosis at ___ of the gallbladder. No stone.
[Focal | Segmental | Generalised]
adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder at ___.
(Ref: radiopedia)
Gallbladder: A ???-cm gallstone. No gallbladder wall thickening or pericholecystic fluid.
- A ???-cm gallstone without evidence of cholecystitis
Bile sludge
Gallbladder: Distended gallbladder containing bile sludge. No gallbladder wall thickening or pericholecystic fluid. No stone or mass.
- Bile sludge in gallbladder without evidence of cholecystitis
- Gallbladder: Surgically absent gallbladder.
Gallbladder: Collapsed gallbladder with retained cholecystostomy tube. No stone.
- Proper position of cholecystosmy tube within collapsed gallbladder.
Dilate CBD
Biliary system: Dilated CBD measures about ___ mm
- (Not seen cause): + without demonstrable cause of obstruction. No intrahepatic ductal dilatation.
Pancreas Findings
No Acute Pancreatitis
Pancreas: Normal size of the visualized portion without detectable pancreatic ductal dilatation or peripancreatic fluid collection. No focal lesion.
- No sonographic evidence of acute pancreatitis or peripancreatic fluid collection.
Renal Findings
Parenchymatous Dz
Increased echo only => parenchymatous dz.
- Kidneys:
[Normal | Small]
size and (mildly) increased parenchymal echogenicity of ___ kidney.
- Parenchymatous disease of ___ kidney.
Increased echo + small size => chronic parenchymatous dz.
- Kidneys: Small size ___ kidney, measuring ?x?x? cm, with thinning of cortex, measuring 0.? cm, and increased parenchymal echogenicity.
- Chronic parenchymatous disease of ___ kidney.
Renal Stone
Calcified vessel: Hyperechoic foci at ___, probably calcified vessels or non-obstructive calyceal stone.
Non-obs, caliceal stone: Normal size and parenchymal echogenicity of both kidneys. Non-obstructing caliceal stones at ?? pole of ?? kidney, measuring ___. No solid mass.
Staghorn stone: Multiple ___ caliceal stones, up to ?? cm, probably staghorn stones.
Renal Hydronephrosis
Hydronephrosis (no cause)
- Kidneys: Dilatation of pelvicalyceal system (extending to proximal part of ureter) without demonstrable cause of obstruction. (± Limited evaluation of mid to distal ureter due to overlying bowel gas.)
- [Mild | Moderate | Severe] … hydronephrosis without demonstrable cause.
Distended bladder
- Kidneys: Mildly dilated pelvicalyceal system of ___ kidney without demonstrable cause of obstruction.
- Mild dilatation of the ___ pelvocaleceal system, probably reflux from fully-distended urinary bladder.
Renal Cyst
A ??-cm (simple) cortical cyst…
- (±) with calcified wall
- (±) with internal septation
- (±) with internal dependent hyperechogenic foci
Bosniak classification
See nice illustrations.
Class I, II: No need F/U
Class IIF: F/U
Class III, IV: further CT or MRI
Kidneys: Enlarged size with increased parenchymal echogenicity and innumerable cysts of vary in size, measuring up to ___ cm. (Some cysts have hyperechoic content, thin septation and/or calcified walls.) No hydronephrosis or suspicious solid mass.
- Parenchymatous kidney disease and innumerable cysts in both kidneys, some cysts have hyperechoic content, thin septation and/or calcified walls.
- Partial nephrectomy: Evidence of partial nephrectomy at ___ of … kidney.
Extrarenal pelvis
[Left | Right]
extrarenal pelvis was seen.hypoechoic mass just outside the renal sinus without calyceal system dilatation, consistent with extrarenal pelvis.
(Adapted from this case report)
Renal Scar
- Renal cortical defect: Focal cortical scar at ___ pole of the ___ kidney. (ref)
Renal AML
- Kidneys: A ?-cm hyperechoic lesion at ___.
- A ?-cm hyperechoic lesion at ___, possibly angiomyolipoma.
Bladder Findings
Bladder: [Collapsed | Partially distended]
urinary bladder with retained Foley catheter. No stone or mass.
Residual Urine
Bladder: [small | moderate | large] amount of post-voided residual urine.
Bladder: Surgically absent. The neobladder appears unremarkable. No mass.
Wall thickening (Collapsed)
Bladder: [Collapsed | Partially distended]
urinary bladder. Mild wall thickening. No stone or mass.
- Bladder wall thickening; probably due to partial distension or cystitis. Please correlate with UA and clinical context.
Bladder: Debris/mild turbid urine in bladder.
Hyperechoic Lesion
Bladder: An __ hyperechoic lesion at ___ aspect of urinary bladder wall.
- An __ hyperechoic lesion at ___ aspect of urinary bladder wall. Please correlate with cystoscope.
Repro Findings
Myoma & Cyst
__ of a ? x ? x ?-cm
[intramural | submucosal | subserous]
myoma.Endometrial thickness is measured about __ mm.
Ovaries and adnexae: Normal size of ___ ovaries. A ???-cm cystic lesion at right adnexa, probably functional cyst or endometriotic cyst.
Prominent prostate (25 - 40 ml)
- Prostate gland:
[Prominent size | Mild enlargement]
, measuring ___ ml in volume.
[Prominent size | Mild enlargement]
of prostate gland.
Enlarged prostate
- Prostate gland: (Markedly) enlarged prostate gland with intravesical indentation, measuring 100 ml in volume.
- (Marked) enlarge prostate gland with intravesical indentation.
Free Fluid
Peritoneum: [Small | Moderate | Large]
amount of free fluid at
- (+) subhepatic
- (+) perihepatic
- (+) perisplenic
- (+) bilateral paracolic gutters
- (+) pelvic cavity
[Small | Moderate | Large]
amount of ascites.
Pleural effusion
Others: Partially seen bilateral pleural effusions.
- Presence of bilateral pleural effusion.